Beverly Brown Simms
Welcome to my website! You will find my powerful story/testimony in audio and text format, uplifting songs you can listen to from my cd, dates where I’ll be singing, contact information and much more! My story takes you through the most unimaginable pain, with the loss of our son Adam at the age of two, and how God brought us through the fire. I’d love to come share my testimony and sing at your next event.
See the latest dates on our calendar
About Me

Born and raised in Enterprise, Alabama, I began singing at a very young age, which started in church singing, “Jesus Loves Me” with my tape player beside me. Since then, I have enjoyed singing at many different events and churches. In 2006, I married my best friend (Brian), and we have two boys, Adam and Bryson. Unfortunately, in 2010, an unimaginable tragedy struck my family. We lost our first-born son Adam, at the age of two. Even through our tremendous heartache, trials and tribulations, our faith has never wavered. I would love to share my story/testimony with you, and tell you how God has brought me through the fire and never left my side. You can find it on the “Testimony” page in text and audio format. ……. SEE MORE

If you feel led, please donate to my ministry via Venmo